Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Camera shots/angles quiz blog

For this assignment we had to create a story plot with a partner and take a total of  15 shots, we had some angles and shots that we had to include, and then had some room for our own choices of what shots/angles would work best for the scene. Me and my partner completed this assignment by starting at the root, with a steady plot that had meaning. It was cheesy but it was a romance/horror twist. We then sat down and planned out where each shot type/angle type would be used, to see what would work best. For example, we chose a POV shot for our scene of a note being passed so it could really focus on the writing and the gesture of it being handed off. For our shots we went to the courtyard and used general things around us like the tables, grass, and our water bottles (as the characters) to set up all the scenes. We shot all of the scenes on our phones. I think that we excelled in being as creative as possible with what we had, we tried to crop out or hands when we used them to hold up the bottles in certain ways they couldn't stand alone, and we tried to use backgrounds of the school for scenery. We can definitely improve in a lot of areas, such as better quality shots, some of our shots seemed rushed, and we need to improve our framing/positioning. Overall, I think we worked well together for having met for the first time ever, and we built on each others ideas nicely. 

our link

Tuesday, August 27, 2024