What's action?
An action film is defined as a film that focuses on featuring exciting physical action, special effects, and stunts. Action films tend to focus on the protagonists fight to overcome the obstacle presented, or the opposition in the film. Most action films are built around the idea of having two sides, the good and the evil. When this is followed, we usually see a lot of action build up on both sides, toward each other.
To make these scenes happen chases, fights, shootouts, and explosions are usually incorporated. These actions tend to excite the story and the amp up viewers, as its not something that is seen everyday. They are also actions that can't be done or done well by just an average person, this brings a captivating look to the character being portrayed. Without fighting scenes, action films wouldn't be as appealing to watch because they would feel slow. Explosions and stunts can bring unexpected elements to intensify the film and progress the story.

above are used to create the tension and argument between the team itself.
Production Techniques:
What's normally paired with action films is a lot of energetic capture use with the camera. For instance, handheld movement is usually used to create a 'raw' fighting scene, and add on chaos as well as exaggeration. Other techniques are closeups, which helps define characters and what they feel when breaking down big flashy scenes. An example is a post fight scene, paired with a close up, this would really allow us to understand what the character took away from the win or loss and add some realism with emotions after seeing such an intense and rapid climax.
Wide shots are used frequently in the beginning of action films to establish where we begin the journey, they are also seen when we transition into new settings that have high importance. Panning is another big technique, it works well with fights and stunts that need to go right to left, or up to down (vice-versa). Finally, tracking shots are seen effectively in action films, because of the suspense they build when something big is coming, like when characters are about to stunt off a building. The run to the ledge would be such a eagerly anticipated moment for the viewers, asking themselves if the character will jump or not? The tracking shot allows this to happen and provides the stretch smoothly.
used to start off the big scene in the arena of all the
characters running to the cornucopia for weapons, initializing
To hype these types of productions up and get people interested, the most commonly used marketing strategies are the use of social media, and trailers. Trailers work especially well with action films because of their past faced, quick editing with flashy colors. It portrays the action film really well because of how similarly the film is structured to the trailer. The trailer is very enticing and usually gains a lot of viewers. Trailers also use clips that represent the film well, and give a very basic outline of the plot, this helps viewers decided if they are provoked in seeing the film or not.
Social media on the other hand, is a rather new technique of marketing. With the huge increase in social media use from our generation, marketing has expanded to be on Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok. Majority of action films are usually targeted towards young adults and teenagers, hence social media would be the best option for the marketing because most teens and young adults use social media a lot. Promoting a film on social media can also incorporate trends to boost a post, and connect better with the target audience by relating to them and what the consume on social media. By using popular hashtags, trending audios, or captions that use Gen-z terms, it can help capture teenagers and young adults more on socials.
I've never seen this film before, but its been recommended to me and I would love to watch it. This action films story is about three friends who are competing against other storm chasers to cover deadly major storms in Oklahoma. This movie is very different from most with its unique filming style. It used Go pro's to film most of the scenes, this added on to the action aspect of Twisters because it gave the same effect as a handheld camera, but in a versatile way. The plot of following big dangerous storms is also very action-packed and stimulating, it seems so fun but so scary all at the same time. The highs and lows are all portrayed raw and realistically, as many people in the real world are real storm chasers.
Ex: A shot from one of the Go pro's on set,
about to begin filming a scene.
This marvel film is one of my favorites, it follows Natasha Romanoff (a.k.a. Black Widow) specifically. It shares some background information on her childhood, and shows her bond with her sister. It mainly dives into some deeper things that have developed her character, and darker ties within her past. This movie uses shootout scenes, shaky camera movement, and intensity. When we see the shootout scene of Natasha in the red room, its very important in connecting her past to all her new adventures and actions. Before this we didn't know much about her and her past. Scenes like these really elevate the emotions of the whole thing tied together, including us viewers. It brings excitement, and an almost anxious feeling, because of the on the edge intensity these films hold. To intensify the realistic aspect of her world, the shaky camera looks handheld for many scenes, especially fights, and powerful scenes.
Ex: Black widow in the red room.
Other action films:

Lift (2024)