The fist scene with an audio are the credits. This is what we open our film with, the audio is whimsical and upbeat. It perfectly illustrates the warm and happy photos of the family all together. To add this into our opening, when we edit our footage we will embed it into the credit scenes.
The second scene with a chosen audio is when we show the tattoos on the killer and daughters wrists. This is a tense scene that really sets the curse into motion, and gets the story going. The audio builds up, and is loud. The build up makes it sound like something is being resolved, or pieced together. Which is exactly what the scene is doing, by going back and forth between the two wrists and giving viewers the realization that the main character does not yet have.
For the final audio we chose, we decided to pair it with the scene of the daughter walking the dog. This is what we end the opening with. The audio is really creepy, and it goes well with the fact that these final scenes are creepily seen through security cameras. It has an eerie tone, and it ends the opening with mystery.
For the rest of the scenes, we will be creating and incorporating our own foley sounds. Some examples of where we would add foley audio is when the father is driving, when the father is drinking, and when the daughter is in her room. An example of how we would make the foley of the father walking into the house is by making a recording of boots/heavy shoes stomping onto the ground. Another foley is for the alcohol the father is drinking, we can clank bottles and shake some liquid to make the foley. Just like the audios, the foleys will be added in when we are in our editing stage of the project.
The audios we found are all high quality, and last well over the amount of time we will use them for. They all help tell the story, and pair nicely with the scenes we chose. If we create strong and clear foleys, it will make the scenes smother and make them sound natural. This is all helpful for our editing process of the opening.
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