Friday, February 7, 2025

Cast and locations

 For the openings story two to three locations are needed, but they are all within one main location. This would be a house. Two house options are available, and the rooms used within the house would be a bedroom, an office, and the hallways between rooms. A representation of the main character will be reflected onto her bedroom. This is the main filming location within the house. She's a pretty quiet girl, and she's going through rough times at home, she finds her room to be her only escape and sanctuary. Her room would have photos and posters on the walls, dark lighting, a little bit of a mess, and a comfortable vibe. To obtain this setting for filming, a bedroom would be tweaked to fit the aesthetic. 

       (Poster examples, these can be printed and put onto wall)

(Example of how other photos on bedroom wall would look like)

(Inspiration for bedroom)

For the office, it wont have any decorations like the bedroom, all it needs to be able to set the scene would be laptops set up to look like they are watching camera footage, and dark lighting just like the bedroom. The lighting in both settings is important to the film because it works into the aesthetic and the mood of the story. Most of the office room wont be seen in these scenes, as we will be using tighter shots that focus on whets being shown on the laptops for these particular parts.

                                                          (Inspiration for office set-up)

For the cast of the film, we need a total of three characters. Besides characters, we would need a person to film us. For the cast we have the daughter, father, and the killer. The daughter will be played by my partner Anabella, and her brother will play the father. I will play the killer, and we'll take turns filming each other. For scenes with both me and Anabella in them we'll have her brother record us. The next step is to figure out costumes, makeup, and special effects, especially for the killer. All of these minor details in the settings will help us create our films mood through the environment. 

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