Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR Question #4

Three down, one left! This one was one of the simpler questions, here is my script and at the end you'll find the conclusion that I wrapped up the CCR portion with...

What hardware usage went into this film?

For the film, we really only used a stabilizer in terms of our hardware. We used the stabilizer to minimize the effect of the scenes having a handheld look. We borrowed the stabilizer from our teacher for a few days. For the lighting, we messed around with some of the lighting in the kitchen and the bedroom, but we did adjust it on the camera when filming, usually I would just drag the brightness down by a bit to have better focus. 

What about software?

Now for our software, me and Anabella used a shared Word document, to plan everything out and write down ideas that we eventually came back to. Blogger was a big portion of our software, I uploaded weekly and had the blogs follow everything we did, kind of like a recap. Adobe Premier Pro was another big software we relied on. It was easy to use for our editing, and it has a lot of nice features. On Adobe I edited in all of the sounds for the clips, by matching up foleys with actions and cutting down imported background music. A very small amount of our editing was done on the photos app, this entailed me cropping certain videos, toning down the brightness, or the exposure. 

Thank you so much for having me on the podcast, I loved sharing all these details about this production of mine, and getting all these great questions. I had a fun time learning a lot of new things, and working on making this story fun. I enjoyed the whole process, and I'm proud of my outcome. I hope that when viewers from anywhere watch this film, they feel a lot of emotion, and understand the heavy messages it holds. 

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