Friday, February 28, 2025

Day one production

 Today we began our production! I was really excited to begin making this story come alive, and see how everything is going to look on screen. We decided that we would start by filming the scenes from the security cameras, that we close the opening with. We started with these scenes because since we have other actors and components outside of me and my partner, we had to make the schedule work for everyone. We chose these scenes because the dog we are using from my partners friend was available, and because my partners dad who plays a big role in the opening was not available for filming this week. We filmed three different scenes from different cameras, and angles. All looking at the same walk that Olivia is taking with her dog, after the fight with Jonathan. 

(Location for day one of production, my house) 

The choice behind whose house the walk would be filmed at came down to the cameras, because my house has them and since no part of the inside of my house is seen in any of these clips, we can film the scenes inside the house at my partners house this coming week. Which is where we had originally decided we would film, and transform her bedroom into Olivia's. 

After school, at around 5:30PM my partner Anabella, and her friend Chloe came and brough Chloe's dog Ellie. Before they came over, I charged all the cameras and made sure they were working. I downloaded the app that connects to them on to my phone, and signed in so I could watch the footage. Originally, we where going to use the cameras that are already hooked on to certain trees and corners of my house, but then we ended up using one of the cameras I removed off the hook so we could fully manipulate and position it to fit the angles we where looking for. On top of that, we also recorded one scene from my doorbell camera. For that one, we didn't move it because its planted onto my front wall of the house, but the spot was great and the footage came out well. 

While recording, we did have a lot of issues with the app and cameras not loading. The wi-fi at my house has been really patchy all week, and because of that and the fact that we filmed outside, which struggles to connect to the wi-fi inside, the app wasn't working well. To fix this, I stayed inside, so I could use a stronger wi-fi, and I was calling them from the inside, so we could communicate about where to move the camera, and when to start the scene as I watched it through my app. 

We had a really successful day one of production, and beside the wi-fi trouble everything went smoothly and we got good shots without having to do many retakes. It would have been more ideal if we could film more this week, but with homework and sports it wasn't possible for us to coordinate more time to get more scenes, especially during the week with school. We are working on finishing props, so that this coming week we can work on the majority of the scenes and stay on our schedule. 

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