Saturday, March 1, 2025

Security cameras

 The two scenes we recorded from the security cameras yesterday where essentially just different angles of the same walk. We positioned the cameras on two different sides of the driveway of the house. One of these angles was really high up, and the other one was at floor-level. We chose these heights so we could have contrast in the same scene, and so we could have more movement when jumping from one camera to another. For the first clip, we placed the camera on top of one of the lanterns outside that sits next to the garage door. 

(Circled in blue is where we positioned the camera for the first shot)

(Setting up the angle)

To adjust and make sure we liked the spot before actually carrying out the scene, we looked at it through the app, and saw what the camera was looking at. We then tweaked it and moved it a little bit towards the left side so we could focus more on Olivia walking the dog. Once we found a good spot, we all moved out of the frame and I gave a countdown, and then clicked record on the app while Anabella walked Ellie right through where the camera was pointing at. 

She kept the same route and movement through the walk since she did the same one for all three scenes. The footage from the camera really resembled a normal security camera footage, it was a little bit grainy and it looked very pixelated. Now that we have the footage, once we go into our editing process we can tweak the brightness, and crop the clip however we need to. 

 Although they were recorded out of order, when we edit the opening, the sequence of these clips would be going from the doorbell camera, to the floor angle, and then the angle from higher up because that order follows the path that she takes with the dog to leave the house and go for a walk. That way we follow her out with different shots and angles. 

The second scene we got was a completely different angle, at floor level that faced the entrance to the house. We placed the camera behind a leaf from a sprouting plant behind it, to show that these cameras are hidden and they are attempting to look natural by blending in with the nature around them. On the footage, a little bit of the plant got caught into the frame which is exactly what we where going for, as we didn't want the whole frame to be covered by the plant. It made it look like you are watching Olivia secretly and discreetly, it really added an eerie touch. 

(Where we placed the camera for the second shot)

This angle mainly focuses on the lower half of Olivia and the dog, it brings in a new perspective of her on the walk. The footage came out the same as the last, with the grainy effect because the same camera was used, but in a different position. The quality is consistent throughout the scenes while it accentuates the authenticity of the scenes quality through the security cameras. I didn't think I would be so excited and anticipating for the editing, but after getting these scenes I honestly can't wait to edit them all together and add all these effects and transitions I keep imagining to make everything flow and make it creepy.

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