The final scene we recorded on Friday was through the camera of the doorbell. This was really essential in showing that she is leaving the house, and moving away from the fighting scene with her dad. Ellie the dog, wasn't really cooperating anymore at this point, so to calm her down and have her follow Anabella we had Chloe stand on the side of the house, where she was not in frame holding a treat to motivate her! She was so sweet and cute.
The camera in the doorbell is a little bit different from the one used for the other clips on the driveway, this one has the date and time of the recording printed at the bottom. Since the others don't have this, when we edit them together into a sequence we can either remove it on the doorbell clip, or try to edit and add it in onto the other clips as an overlay, to keep everything consistent. When I was on the app recording the scenes, I tried to play around and toggle with buttons to see if I could enable the date and time at the bottom just like how the one on the doorbell looked, but it didn't work.
(Doorbell camera)
(Photo from our filming)
Overall, we had a lot of fun, and we filmed the clips well. The walk was smooth, and it looked natural which was perfect. From me and Anabella's past projects we know our acting ruined many clips, so we tried to work on that for this project, to improve it. Obviously, we are not professional actors and developing good acting skills takes a lot of time and effort, but we are definitely trying harder and making adjustments.
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