Tuesday, March 4, 2025

That's a wrap!

 We finished our productions! It was really successful and fun. For this second day of filming, we used all of our props. The photo frame, the mask, the bottles, and the tattoos. We finished making our props over the weekend, for the bottles I ran them under hot water to be able to melt and peel off the pre-existing stickers. I then printed out simple labels of alcohol that I found online and taped them onto the bottles. For the killer's mask, I dyed Anabella's old pink go kart mask black. To do this, I used black fabric dye from the supermarket. I ordered an antique looking photo frame from Amazon, I got a small one because we are just framing the face of the mother. With all of the other props, the tattoos pushed us out of our budget, so we decided to make them ourselves by drawing them on with marker. 

  (This week at a glance!)

We worked on all of the shots that take place inside of the house this week, which concluded our filming. We filmed at my partner Anabella's house, we used her kitchen and bedroom. For the kitchen scene with her and her father, we scattered the bottles around the frame and told Anabella's mom not to wash dishes for the whole day, so the sink was filled with dirty dishes. After we did their argument scene, I followed Anabella to her room for a clip of her slamming her door shut with rage. Thankfully, we borrowed our teachers stabilizer and used it for filming because it made all the shots steady and made it easier to hold the phone for filming. 

In Anabella's room, we did the majority of the content. Before I came over, she set up her room to make it fit the character and use the props we bought. She taped up some of the collage photos she bought, and she hung up the tapestry although it didn't end up in the frame. She cleared her things from the wall and her vanity. We set up the photo frame on the vanity, with a printed photo of her mom inside. She started off by doing heavy eye makeup, with black eyeshadow, thick mascara, and a little bit of purple mixed with red eyeshadow underneath her eyes to make the crying look more realistic. Since she couldn't cry on command, we used eye drops to make it look like black tears of mascara were running down her face. For the costume, Anabella and her dad both wore the same thing they wore last time we filmed. Anabella wore a hoodie and shorts, to resemble she is comfortable and just relaxing at home. Her dad wore something a little nicer, because he had just come home from work in these scenes. 

When I was filming scenes, lighting was a big thing I kept playing around with. On the phone, I would click the frame and adjust the lighting to try and get better shots, it also helped the camera focus on the characters a bit more. Now that we have begun editing we can fix that better, but it was fun to adjust to see what worked best with different angles.

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