This first CCR question delves into the conventions of a horror film, and how it represents social groups and issues. For the first two questions I will be doing an interview with a host. This is how I would answer the question in my CCR video...
What makes your horror film, a horror film?
For our film, we followed some classic horror traits, we have the themes of death, dark suspense, and a villain. But we dropped the jump scare aspect, and the heavy gore. We did this because making gore special effects makeup and mis-en-scene elements is tricky and expensive. Usually, horror films start off with a bang, a big jump scare, but starting off slow and building the suspense is something I find more pleasing in films, so we went that way.
What issues does Haunted Memories touch on?
Haunted Memories touches on some difficult topics, one of them being abuse. It follows the relationship between a teenage girl and her abusive father. No physical abuse is ever shown in the opening, but its heavily hinted at, we focused more on emotional abuse. The rest of the film would have some flashbacks of physical abuse between Olivia and her father Jonathan. Representing this type of a relationship is important considering the staggering statistics we currently have of abused teenagers. One in four girls are estimated to experience child abuse, according to the National Children's Alliance. It’s really heartbreaking and more attention should be focused on resolving this issue. Depression from grief is also something that is noticeably big in this opening, as we see Jonathan struggle deeply with the loss of his wife. It leads him to live a very alcoholic, aggressive, and abusive life towards Olivia. We would continue this message through the remaining of the film by keeping the alcohol bottles around the house, and by having more heavy scenes of Oliva and Jonathan arguing.
What social groups are represented in your opening?
We represent a broken family, a sad social group. The addiction, abuse, trauma, and loss are all factors that contribute to the falling apart of this family. Which leads to the end of the film where Olivia and Jonathan would go their separate ways, despite Olivia having defeated the killer who was after her and her relationship. Dysfunctional social groups and relationships are common things you can find in films, but what makes them all stand out is the effects they each toll on their characters, and how the relationships effect their decision making throughout the story.